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Europe 100 Closest Cities – Choose Any City


Begin by typing in any European 10K+ population city in the format ‘City, Country’ – i.e. ‘Brussels, Belgium’. NOTE: there are a handful of cities with the same name in a country, to select them type in a number after the city which is based on the population rank of the one you want. For example – to select the largest Frankfurt, Germany, type ‘Frankfurt, Germany1’. That city will appear as a pink marker and the 100 closest 10K+ cities to that city (not including the one you chose) will also appear. High scores are kept only for cities of 25K+ population. ‘Closest Cities’ on bottom left shows the top number of closest cities in a row you have completed (i.e. a ‘3’ if you have the 3 closest but not the 4th). Object is highest population among 100 closest, not total places.

Enter city to begin (i.e. 'Paris, France').
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3 hours ago

btw can you make the timer appear in full screen mode?

2 months ago

can you enable the possibility to see the map after you’re done?

1 year ago

Where can I see my misses? I chose Trnava, Slovakia and missed 7 small towns in Austria around Vienna.

30 days ago
Reply to  darin

I’ve waited an hour, still doesn’t show

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