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Europe 100 Km Coverage Challenge


Choose any 10K+ European city, then continue naming 10K+ cities which are within 100km of any previously named city. Naming notes: many places have similar names. For example, “Brest” is not unique. To choose Brest, France, simply type “brestfr”, using the first two letters of the country name, or ‘uk’ for the UK (same as for Ukraine). Also, some answers require typing in other answers you may not want to guess. In this case, if you want to answer “Hamburg”, simply type it..”Ham, Belgium” will not be chosen. If you want simply “Ham” type ‘ham.’ with the period at the end. LASTLY, in a couple cases there are multiple places of the same name in a single country. Newcastle, UK is an example. To choose the largest Newcastle (typically the one you want), type ‘newcastleuk1’ – the rest are ‘newcastleuk2’ and so on (need the country too for any cases of multiple cities in one country, even if no other country has cities of that name). So basically, if the city isn’t coming up after you type the name, try adding a “.” after, or the country first two letters, or in some cases the country letters plus a number.

Enter a city to begin.
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2 months ago

hell nah, i just did 3 cities less than wr and now is premium only

7 months ago

Hi how does Kiel work northern city in Germany

4 months ago
Reply to  david1632646


8 months ago

How do I type Frankfurt am Main and Frankfurt an der Oder?

11 months ago

I love this one. Will nail it eventually.

Minor error – “Stone” is an accepted answer (ends quiz when trying to type Stonehaven)

10 months ago
Reply to  darin


1 year ago

color scheme makes it hard.

1 year ago

hønefoss norway is 16k, not 102k. not sure where that came from

1 year ago

also, there is a city called “lillestrøm” west of oslo, almost 90k population, when the country is as sparcely populated as norway you need the smaller towns to work or you’re screwed

1 year ago

Wish there was a non-challenge version because gaming over sucks. Also, Kumanovo is over Prilep.

1 year ago

Something wrong with Bern, Switzerland.

1 year ago

There is something wrong with Prilep, North Macedonia. Seems to choose Skopje when typed.

1 year ago

Are areas like Trondheim and its two neighbouring cities, which can’t reach “mainland” Europe excluded from the 9414 Maximum?

1 year ago

Münster does not work. I typed Munster, Muenster, Münster (Westf.).

1 year ago

Many cities don’t work, also many many times it counts me game over when I type cities well inside circles I’ve already got… So frustrating

1 year ago
Reply to  darin

Its says came over for Stuttgart and Lisbon

1 year ago

So how can i differentiate between Frankfurt an der Oder or Frankfurt am Main? Or other german cities with a river on the end?

1 year ago

this one would be even better if there were different levels (beg / int / adv / exp) with different circle radii.

1 year ago

freezes after guessing second city

1 year ago
Reply to  sahil

You can pick any starting position. Then you are only allowed to guess cities within 100km radius. Once you enter a city that is out of that radius, the game is over and your points are recorded – not freezed.
If you start at A and enter B (that is within a distance of 100km from A), you can also enter C, which is within 100km of either A or B. And so on.

1 year ago

Please make a 200km version (or an easy, medium, hard option) to make a more accessible approach to this very clever challenge

1 year ago
Reply to  wittylama

yes please!!!

1 year ago

Can’t get it to work. Tried ever possible variation of starting with London and nothing is happening.

1 year ago
Reply to  mungkdubs

Try “London.” The instructions explain it. There is also Londonderry so you need the “.” to distinguish them.

1 year ago
Reply to  JayF

A 2nd city doesn’t work. And after the explanations seams like “try and error”: with “.” or without, with “fr” or without, or maybe “uk1”, “uk2” etc…? And “uk” stands for United Kinddom and Ukraine is the same… Now I have to guess: Switzerland is “ch” or “sw”? And Sweden is the same? Try and error. Have fun!

1 year ago

doesn’t work

1 year ago
Reply to  Fanalbatrosa

Gryfino makes crash this page

1 year ago

It does not except many cities like londonuk, or bonn i dont get it. lillefr does work, bonnge or londonuk does not

1 year ago
Reply to  darin

Thanks, that solved it. Do you know if similar quizes exist but then a bit more forgiving. Now if I make one mistake I have to start all over again.

1 year ago

Once it gave me a game over when I wrote ‘s Hertogenbosch. It was well within range. Same thing happened when I wrote King’s Lynn, again well within range. Either the game has some bugs, or I don’t understand the rules properly.

10 years ago

Yeah, that’s strange. Seems to work though if you go via Basel/Lörrach on the way.

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