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Europe 10K+ Cities Top 3 Blackout
DirectionsFill in the 25 squares with the top three (in terms of population, or less if less than 3 qualify) 10K+ European cities based on the categories in the top row and the geographical location given in the cell. For example, if you are looking at a cell with ‘Netherlands’ in its row, and ‘2+ Words’ in the column, that cell can be filled in with ‘The Hague.’ as it is one of the 3 largest 2+ Words cities in the Netherlands. When a cell is completed it fills in green.
For this quiz, Balkans includes the entire countries of Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia & the European portion of Turkey. Nordic refers to Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
Occasionally a cell may not have any qualifying answer, in which case it will be filled in bright green and be a gimme. Cells with two answers left will have a very dark green background, those with one answer left more of an evergreen shade, and finally bright green for those which have been completed. Some cells with only 1 or 2 valid answers will start with a green shade corresponding to how many answers are left.
hugequiz Premium members will see missed answers in red – they will be the largest city which qualified in each cell – only one miss will be shown per incomplete cell.
why did none of these work for Nordic 0-250k population:
Keep in mind for this quiz you are only naming the 3 largest in each cell – so those cities are between 0-250K and Nordic, however none are among the 3 largest Nordic 0-250K cities.
I’m not sure this quite adds up.
Top 4-6 in Balkans refers to #4-#6 largest in any individual country of the Balkans, not the entire Balkans.
Is there a mistake with The Netherlands? These categories are impossible: 4th-6th Largest City In Country, 7th-9th Largest City In Country, Pop 250-500K. I’ve named top 10 biggest dutch cities and I was always missing one. Can you provide the list?
the closest thing the Dutch census has to cities are Urban Centers:
hi, like the quiz but 3 largest cities starting with r in uk? Convinced it’s Reading, Rochdale and Rotherham but it doesn’t appear to accept Rotherham. Am I wrong? If I am then fair enough, I’ll keep trying………
3rd is actually
thanks, ended up looking at the spoiler. I’d actually used that in other grids but didn’t need to type the full name and either didn’t notice or forgot the full name displayed.
nice quiz, just wondering what are the 2nd and 3rd largest cities starting with G in France since none of the following worked out: gap, guingamp, granville and gex…
I think Grasse and Gennevilliers
Great quiz, I had some complaints, then I read the description again:)
Not enough people do that 🙂
are there always max 3 possible answers for every cell (i.e. no cell has 4 or more possible answers)?
like I was just confused because I had Balkans and for 2 of the cells all 3 cities turned out to be from Romania, was this just a coincidence that they all were from the same country and they were the only cities I could’ve entered or if I could have entered other cities too
correct 3 max per cell – so yes if the three largest all are from one country in a region then yes they will take up that cell.