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Europe 200 Km Coverage Challenge
DirectionsChoose any 10K+ European city, then continue naming 10K+ cities which are within 200km of any previously named city. Naming a city not within an existing circle ends the quiz. Naming notes: many places have similar names. For example, “Brest” is not unique. To choose Brest, France, simply type “brestfr”, using the first two letters of the country name, or ‘uk’ for the UK (same as for Ukraine). Also, some answers require typing in other answers you may not want to guess. In this case, if you want to answer “Hamburg”, simply type it..”Ham, Belgium” will not be chosen. If you want simply “Ham” type ‘ham.’ with the period at the end. LASTLY, in a couple cases there are multiple places of the same name in a single country. Newcastle, UK is an example. To choose the largest Newcastle (typically the one you want), type ‘newcastleuk1’ – the rest are ‘newcastleuk2’ and so on (need the country too for any cases of multiple cities in one country, even if no other country has cities of that name). So basically, if the city isn’t coming up after you type the name, try adding a “.” after, or the country first two letters, or in some cases the country letters plus a number.
An easier version of the very popular 200 km version. Please read the directions before commenting that a city isn’t taking – you may have to type a variation of it due to similarly named cities.
how do you get Kirov? I tried Kirov. and Kirovru1 and neither works
Was a data typo – fixed now.
Wanted to type Bremen. (Germany) Automatically guessed something after just yping “Bre” and lost me the game
There is no answer for just ‘Bre’ (you can try typing it to start the quiz, nothing happens) – I bet you typed an extra ‘e’ and answered ‘Bree’ which is an answer.
Well, sometimes it just doesn’t want to allow a city at all…
Like Milan, tried “Milan”, “Milano”, “Milanit”, “Milanoit”, “Milanit1″…
Same for Bastia in France :
Not sure why, maybe I’m doing something wrong?
you need the ‘.’ after – so ‘Milan.’ and ‘Bastia.’
btw database also needs to be updated, this one is the old one
yes I’m keeping an old database for this type of quiz for now, as if I keep updating it I can’t automatically update the scores, I will eventually update the data for these coverage challenge ones.