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Europe Closest Capital Challenge


First type ‘start’ to begin. Then you will be given a European capital. Try to name the closest other European capital to the given capital. Only the 5 closest capitals will be accepted as an answer. You can type ‘next’ to skip the current capital. Getting the closest capital will yield 100 points. 2nd thru 5th closest will give a lower point total, based both on the rank of the capital (2nd thru 5th, minus 10 points for each ranking below first) and how much farther the guessed capital is away than the closest capital. 10 total capitals and 3 minutes total time, 20 seconds maximum per capital.

Type 'start' to begin.
  +0:00 +0:00
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pinco panco
7 months ago

My bestia 931, not bad

Felipe Faria
1 month ago
Reply to  pinco panco

939 gotem

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