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Europe Country Drawing Challenge
DirectionsTime for you to show what you’ve really got. You’ll be freehand drawing countries of Europe. When the quiz loads on the right side you will be told which country to draw. To begin drawing a country, click Draw or right-click anywhere in the map to enter drawing mode. Click and drag the mouse to make an outline of the country. Release the mouse to ‘close’ the country and it will appear green. If happy and ready to submit, click submit or double-click the drawn country. Click erase or right-click the country to erase it and try again. You may have to wait a few moments for your score to calculate on larger countries.
You are only drawing the main portion of each country – do not worry about any disjointed islands, etc. Cyprus, Iceland, Malta, Russia, UK and Turkey are not included. For Denmark, you are only drawing Jutland (the part connected to Germany).
When you submit a country you are scored on the % of your country which contains the actual country (shown as ‘% In Country’) and the % of the actual country contained in your country (shown as ‘% Of Country’). These average out to create your points for that country.
Complete all countries or click End Quiz at any time to save your score. Don’t forget to take a screenshot of your beautifully drawn Europe!
hugequiz Premium members will see the actual outlines of the countries when the quiz is over.
For more of a challenge, try Europe Country Drawing Challenge – No Map
A streak version is here Europe Country Drawing Challenge Streak
Another drawing quiz…feel free to post links in the comments to screenshots of your Europe art 🙂
Idk if you can do that, but I’d love an “average map of european borders” to see how people view european borders haha
Would love to do that but not really a way to implement it 🙁
it just sucks that there are so many landlocked small countries in Europe
it doesn’t work for me
AHHHHHHHHHH I accidentaly ended trhe quiz! Please add that you need to confirm that you want to end the quiz or sumbit the country
I’ve added 🙂
Thank you!
im back everybody
i wont do the same mistake of getting 0 on both monaco on san marino and monaco big circle and ill take those 50 points on each
damn it i forgot its from premium only,ill go to the non premium quizzes then
can you make it free to play the map pls im broke and my parents don’t want to buy it.
how to join
I said it once but i’m saying it again. The quiz isn’t working for me. I refreshed the page but it was a dud.
Hmm are you a Premium member? If not it only works the first week of each month, and should show you a message saying that. Otherwise it’s working fine for me and many others are taking it every day. Maybe try clearing your cache or a different browser?
love this
top 80 2nd try letss goo, definitely need to work on Lithuania and Belarus though, the other 3 orange scores were micro nations.
its not correct. when i circled all of mainland europe to mark Germany it said 0 points (as a joke). same thing happened for should do a old empires one it would be fun
how to start
2375 was my score
too bad that does not put you in the top 50 like africa
wish I was better at drawing
is this challenge easy or something
It is the 1st thru the 7th of each month.
dang i dont have money for premium
neither do i
draw does not work
may not work on mobile devices.
I recommend having the guessed country labeled on our drawings on the result screen
My result. For some reason these lines show up sometimes?
Damn your croatia is not even letting Bosnia border another country
why does Belarus look like Oman
drawing is not working
it is working you just need to be on pc
After scanning through rome, I fond st peters basilica and got an 83
I somehow got 77 on san marino
Keep gettin 0 for belarus
I’m trying to draw a country but the answer stats aren’t showing up for some reason.
Try refreshing… quiz working fine for me.
so difficult to draw the microscopic countries.
yay 2nd
yes a acomplished my goal top ten,my duty is done for now
why are there so many people tied at 3365?
3 people?
all though it might be you and i clicked by accident on the end quiz button
that happend once to me but after replaying and replaying it has gone away,im using chrome by the way
there should be a way to start drawing then stop zoom continue drowing stop un zoom anyways im struggeling on san marino and monaco i always get 0 but even with that i still got 3192
After seeing jack’s video i am much more confident
Even i also saw Jack’s video and I saw how well he drew the Balkan countries and small countries too
wheres malta, the uk, iceland, turkey, cyprus, russia, armenia, azerbaijan, georgia, and kazakhstan?
Pd: armenia, azerbajian and georgia aren’t in europe, they are in asian caucasus.
Those items shouldn’t appear until the quiz is over…what browser and platform are you on?
top 180 and I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not to brag or anything but top 180 is kind of bad like in my first attept i got top 65 and i have climbed to top 6
It doesn’t work on my Android
Yeah I’ve tried to get it working on mobile but no luck
Same 🙁
Tip for small countries:
Luxembourg: Luxembourg city is near the bottom of the country. If you look in the right area, Luxembourg City is surrounded by 3 smaller cities.
Monaco: There’s 3 ports in the area that look similar to Monaco. The farthest to the left is phallic when drawn out, the 2nd and middle one looks extremely similar, even with the jut like real Monaco. However, continue moving to the right until you find another that looks similar. This is the real Monaco.
Vatican City:
Find the Colosseum, with no bricks in the Southwestern corner. Go northwest from this, and at the edge of a river, you should find St. Peter’s Basilica, along with a shape that completely outlines the Vatican.
San Marino:
Circle, and it’s near Rimini.
There’s a flat river region between Switzerland and Austria. This is the edge of Liechtenstein’s border, and it’s shape is similar to Luxembourg’s.
Liechtenstein is next to the rhine
i love how you help for andorra is circle and thats it,i use tarragona in the south as reference and the border in catelonia,the intersection is where andorra is
POV: you came here from JackSucksAtGeography
who is jsag
jack sucks at geography, he made a video about this quiz
I came from Drew Durnil, Jesus Christ he did so bad, I have no idea how he got 2600
i got like 3200 on my first attempt because i accidently clicked submit instead of draw on a few countries
i hate when that happens
fr but jsag did it even worse and its his own f*cking continent at least drew durnil is from america
Yes that is true
Damn you Monaco! I always miss you!
same,there is a french city along the cost that is so similar
i suggest you just draw a circle so big that monaco is for sure the and you wil get at least get 50 points
very glitchy, can’t zoom in or zoom out when you accidentally equip drawing mode and unequip it, you can also make drawing mistakes and i accidentally drew a giant line on my map and i couldn’t erase it for some reason??
Yeah I tried to tweak things to avoid that but I am limited by how Google Maps handles events like clicking and zooming.
Definitely one of the quizzes of time.
A tip for doing Denmark. The top of Jutland isn’t counted as it is an island.
It’s the same with Greece (kind of). Due to a canal, Peloponnesus is not counted as part of Greece (even though it is considered a peninsula).
whenever i draw the whole denmark not inc greenland, it always says 48% or something like that for the in country but always like 95% of country
You are only supposed to draw the mainland, the part which borders Germany. Don’t draw the island with Copenhagen and stuff
i accidentally sent croatia with no drawing
and i did better than i thought i would lol
great quiz
same with bosnia lol, I am top 10 without it
not anymore since it got popular people are tryharding it and to get to top 10 you need more than 3400
Here is my art:
West Europe was easy, but East Europe was real hard! I was overconfident with Monaco, should have used the big circle strategy…
i beat your little challenge 🙂
imagine if he did a version for the other continents
there are versions for other continents, just search for “drawing”
may i get some lessons that is gorgeous
I love this new quiz! Is there a way to enter the full screen mode without triggering the pencil to start a line? Just on the first country of the list it doesn happen to me. Maybe a keyboard shortcut to enter full screen would solve the problem.
I figured a workaround.
1) draw a dummy shape
2) open fullscreen mode
3) erase the dummy with right click
4) right click again to start drawing
5) draw the country for real
6) close fullscreen and submit
yeah that’s really odd it goes into drawing mode when you click the fullscreen button. i’ll see if I can’t fix that.
Got 0 on some small countries like luxembourg, maybe rather draw a huge circle across Europe to ensure at least 50 points…
yes you can do that, but it doesn’t look particularly good aesthetically 🙂
yeah your right but atleast you get some points its better to make it bigger but still small doesnt matter if its touching german or belgian land for example
i suggest you take reference points along the coast and draw a big all blob in the intersection