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Europe Largest 9-Letter Cities
DirectionsFirst choose the number of cities by typing ‘100’, ‘250’, ‘500’, or ‘all’ – then try to achieve the highest population among European 9-letter 10K+ population cities you chose. Tried to use most common English spelling for city names.
i changed this to remove Frankfurt – it will be under its full name in a quiz for 15 letters.
Newcastle? also please accept Genichesk
This series of quizzes uses the full official name for cities, so it’s Newcastle upon Tyne. Same for Stoke and Hull for instance.
yeah i tend to use full city names for counting letters…will add that alternative.
then why do you use Frankfurt and not Frankfurt am Main
If you have Newcastle as an alternative won’t the city appear in two quizzes, this one and the one with more letters? I’ve seen quizzes with Frankfurt and Frankfurt am Main but with such an amount of quizzes one can excuse a bit of inconsistency here and there.