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Most Famous People Born In The 1900’s (MIT’s Pantheon) 10×10 Blackout


The object of this game is to fill all 100 squares in the grid by naming people who meet the qualifications listed across the top for the birth year range shown in the cells. People must be in the top 10000 of the MIT Pantheon’s listing of most famous people of all time and be born in 1900 or later. There are a little over 3000 such people included on this quiz.

Occupation is based on Pantheon’s occupation classification – obviously many people can fit into multiple occupations, but only one is assigned to each person.

One word refers to the Pantheon name for the person being a one-word name.

Birth year ranges and columns are randomized each time the quiz is loaded. Occasionally a cell may not have a qualifying answer in which case it will appear blank and be a gimme.

hugequiz Premium members will see missed answers in red. Missed answers will be the person ranked the highest who qualifies for that cell.

Enter guesses above to begin.
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1 year ago

Any reason why the rows are not in chronological order?

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