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NCAA 50 Division I Schools Identifier
DirectionsYou will be shown a map with red markers for all NCAA Division 1 Schools. Double-click on the one specified to answer it. If you click on the correct school, the marker will turn green. Otherwise no change will be made to the markers. 50 randomly chosen schools will be given.
Note – you may want to zoom in if schools are close to one another to make sure you are clicking on the correct one.
If the red markers do not appear when the quiz is loaded, try refreshing the page.
Could a version of this be made where you get every d1 school instead of just 50?
I’ve added: https://hugequiz.com/quizzes/ncaa-division-i-schools-identifier/
thank you!
Is there a distinction between Miami (FL) and Miami (OH)?
Yeah they should show up with different titles.
Even with the full zoom in, it is difficult/impossible to click on the DC, Philadelphia, and Boston schools.
i’ve allowed more detail upon zooming farther in now.