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Sports Illustrated All Covers
DirectionsUsing LAST NAMES (EXCEPTIONS – SEE NOTES) and NO PUNCTUATION, name all the people (SEE NOTES) who have been on an SI cover since its inception to 3/11/13. TIME BONUSES available for many categories. NOTES: SOY = Sportsman/woman of the year. FULL NAMES may be required for any non-human answer. Name of the most…
updated this and it now tracks covers instead of people so the high scores should change pretty quickly.
No prob. Just ticked that it didn’t take. I think that I need to add some new software so as to read everything. I can’t even see any high scores or most missed or hardest. Not happy, but not your fault.
Yes, logged in. When I click on the ‘Badges’ page, it only shows me the comments, not the badges. It wasn’t doing this on my laptop. Very confusering. What am I missing?
can’t say what happened – your score didn’t even register on the quiz so the badge likely wouldn’t get tallied due to that. think you’ll have to retry it – if something goes wrong let me know again and let me know your score if you can remember to.
Darin-I don’t know why, but it didn’t register my score on this one. Did well-over 1,000- but no badge. I have a new computer, so that’s not it…I think….Thanks.
you sure you were logged in when you took the quiz? perhaps that’s it, especially if your new computer wasn’t keeping you logged in – there are no score saving issues that i know of at the moment.
For some reason, I don’t have the “Cover Photo” badge even though I got 1,000 on this quiz.
fixing, thanks.