North America

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US 100 Mile Coverage Challenge


Choose any 5K+ US city (AK & HI not included), then continue naming 5K+ cities which are within 100 miles of any previously named city. Naming notes: many places have similar names. For example, “Jacksonville” is not unique. To choose Jacksonville, FL, simply type “jacksonvillefl”, and so on. Also some answers require typing in other answers you may not want to guess. In this case, if you want to answer “Virginia Beach, VA”, simply type it..”Virginia, MN” will not be chosen. If you want simply “Virginia” type ‘virginia.’ with the period at the end. NOTE that typing in “phoenix” will not answer Phoenix, AZ – so that means either there is another place in another state where you must put “phoenixaz”, or another city starting with “Phoenix”, which is the case in this example – so typing ‘phoenix.’ will get you your answer. Finally, in a couple cases there are multiple places of the same name in a single state. Madison, WI is an example. To choose the largest Madison (typically the one you want), type ‘madisonwi1’ – the rest are ‘madisonwi2’ and so on (need the state too as there are madison’s in other states) – this is quite rare. So basically, if the city isn’t coming up after you type the name, try adding a “.” after, or the state abbreviation, or in rare cases the state abbr plus a number.

Try other US Coverage Challenges:
US 100 Mile Coverage Challenge – Easy Version | US 200 Mile Coverage Challenge
US 5K+ Latitude Coverage Challenge | US 5K+ Longitude Coverage Challenge
Enter a city to begin.
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8 months ago

The SIX “isolated” cities you can’t reach are: ElkoNV, WInnemuccaNV, Miles CItyMT, HavreMT, PageAZ, and PierreSD

8 months ago

i have a weird glitch where it says ‘0/0’ next to each population range and i cant type anything in. i dont know if this is a common glitch but its happened to me multiple times on multiple quizzes

10 months ago

How come the game ends if I start with Vancouver, WA and then type in “Centralia, WA”, they are only 82 miles apart? Similarly with Ocala, FL and Gainesville, FL which are only less than 40 miles apart?

1 year ago

Wouldn’t accept Chicago.

1 year ago
Reply to  darin

Thank you!

1 year ago

Can’t seem to get any of the big cities in michigan

1 year ago
Reply to  ogbenp

there a are a lot of of places that are duplicated there. try it with state and number. ‘LansingMI1’ etc…

1 year ago

I’m finding it impossible to play Blythe, CA, no matter how I type it in. I can clearly see the arrow on the map for it. It seems to be a crucial connection if you’re trying to get from AZ’s most populated cities or Las Vegas down to Yuma and over to San Diego via any of the Imperial Valley’s largest incorporated cities. I’ve tried inputting it every which way, but no dice.

1 year ago

How are people getting above 5351?

1 year ago
Reply to  nschimmo

Once you get Bismarck ND if you get Manden right next to it it gives you Minot.

8 years ago

There are definitely some cities you just *can’t* get. I started with Pierre, SD one time. Nothing within 100 miles of it (at least within the population range). XD

7 years ago
Reply to  UtenaNicoletta

Page, AZ also has the same issue. Marquette, MI likely has this issue, although Sault Ste Marie my be in range, with Petoskey and Traverse City in range of that, then Cadillac and Mount Pleasant…

Can anyone test this to see if they can Escape The Upper Peninsula?

7 years ago
Reply to  Ovamiat

Escaping the UP isn’t very hard, but you need to go the long way around Lake Michigan–Marquette has lots of other cities in range, but Sault Ste Marie isn’t one of them.

1 year ago
Reply to  UtenaNicoletta

Montana has two such cities! (Havre and Miles City)

Also the farthest north you can cross the Great Plains is Kansas into Colorado. There’s a clean gap from northwest Kansas to the Montana-Alberta border.

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