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US 10K+ Cities Proximity Blackout


The object of this quiz is to name close pairs of 10K+ cities for the two states represented in each cell. For example, if the top column has ‘NY’ and the cell shows ‘TX’ you are trying to name the pair of 10K+ population cities (one in NY and one in TX) which are the closest. Enter guesses by typing the city names with their state abbreviation in either order followed by a ‘.’ to submit the answer. Columns and cells are randomly chosen each time.

Example: to enter ‘El Paso’ and ‘Syracuse’ for the NY-TX combo, type ‘elpasotxsyracuseny.’ or ‘syracusenyelpasotx.’ with the period at the end – this would be a poor guess as El Paso is far away from NY and Syracuse isn’t that close to TX among NY cities.

PLEASE NOTE: You may need to wait a few moments for the score to appear in the cell.

The pair of cities with the shortest distance gets a score of 100 points and the scores will decrease down to 0 for the pair of cities farthest apart. Scores are based on how close you are in that range to the closest distance.

Your final score is the average of your total points over the 25 squares. Incomplete squares count as 0.

Enter guesses above to begin.
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1 year ago

had an issue typing montauknynewportri. (it didnt register) (also why did i forget about westerly)

1 year ago
Reply to  meep.

i then tried riverheadnynewportri. which also didnt work (montauk has <10k i think)

1 year ago
Reply to  darin

i like it so far. great to play with the map in your mind

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