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US 200 Mile Coverage Challenge
DirectionsChoose any 5K+ US city (AK & HI not included), then continue naming 5K+ cities which are within 200 miles of any previously named city. Naming notes: many places have similar names. For example, “Jacksonville” is not unique. To choose Jacksonville, FL, simply type “jacksonvillefl”, and so on. Also some answers require typing in other answers you may not want to guess. In this case, if you want to answer “Virginia Beach, VA”, simply type it..”Virginia, MN” will not be chosen. If you want simply “Virginia” type ‘virginia.’ with the period at the end. NOTE that typing in “phoenix” will not answer Phoenix, AZ – so that means either there is another place in another state where you must put “phoenixaz”, or another city starting with “Phoenix”, which is the case in this example – so typing ‘phoenix.’ will get you your answer. Finally, in a couple cases there are multiple places of the same name in a single state. Madison, WI is an example. To choose the largest Madison (typically the one you want), type ‘madisonwi1’ – the rest are ‘madisonwi2’ and so on (need the state too as there are madison’s in other states) – this is quite rare. So basically, if the city isn’t coming up after you type the name, try adding a “.” after, or the state abbreviation, or in rare cases the state abbr plus a number.
An easier version of the very popular 100 mile version. Please read the directions before commenting that a city isn’t taking – you may have to type a variation of it due to similarly named cities.
I couldn’t get Chicago, IL to pop up: none of “chicago”, “chicagoil”, “chicagoil.”, “chicagoil1”, and “chicagoil1.” worked.
Chicago and Detroit wont work for me in any of the available configurations
both ‘chicago.’ and ‘detroit.’ work – add the period at the end.
Does the denominator include Hawaii and Alaska?
yeah it was – i fixed that.