North America

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US Interstate Highway Cities – Choose Interstate


First type in a US interstate highway (i.e. I-80) and choose it from the drop-down box. Then, name all cities along that highway. City is along the highway if its US Census boundary file intersects with the US Interstate highways lines. City population and latitude (for N-S interstates) or longitude (for E-W) shown.

Also note, interstates with loops around cities (i.e. 280 in the Bay Area) are included as part of their main highway (so I-280 is part of I-80).

How To Play Head To Head
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Enter interstate to choose from drop-down box (i.e. 'I-90')...
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Geography King - 4.3K views

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19 days ago

Toquerville, UT isn’t exactly on I-15…unless its borders extend to I-15…

3 months ago

Why isn’t there southern I-87? Here are the cities for I-87 southern:

Raleigh, NCKnightdale, NCWendell, NCSaratoga, NCFarmville, NC
We should have a choice between the two I-87’s, as well as 88, 76, 86, and 84.

Last edited 3 months ago by TheCool1Z
6 months ago

I see that some CDPs were removed from the quizzes, because, of course, CDPs are not to be allowed in any quiz that is not specifically for them, right?

I daresay CDPs do not actually exist, and any people that you might meet from time to time that claim to be from those places are suffering from mass delusions. Truly, you do the Lord’s work by ensuring that knowledge of such non-places can never be rewarded.

Anyway, I had a question. Are you going to adjust the high scores for anyone who currently has a total higher than the current number of cities for a given interstate so that their total doesn’t exceed 100%? Otherwise, I don’t see much incentive in playing some quizzes, because even if I got everything the quiz offers, my score will still be lower than someone who played before 11/2023.

6 months ago

Murfreesboro, TN does not intersect I-40 at all, It is miles away. Also If a city has the same name in a couple of states, is it only listed once? and which one is it – the first one from west or south or the largest?

7 months ago

At least for 95, it’s very arbitrary as to what kinds of municipalities you accept. Like you accept some boroughs in NJ, but not some. Some towns in CT, but not some.

1 year ago

Ah, California… I find it funny how there’s an entire quiz for “I-38” without there actually being an I-38.

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