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World 50K+ City Latitude Coverage
DirectionsFirst choose a difficulty by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv, or ‘exp’ – Beginner is 1 degree latitude, Intermediate 0.5 degrees, Advanced 0.25 degrees, and Expert 0.1 degrees. Then, enter 50K+ population cities and all 50K+ population cities within that latitude will automatically fill in.
hugequiz Premium members will see the 25 largest missed cities at the end of the quiz as large, purple markers.
Why doesnt gitega work? It has a population of over 100k and is the capital of burundi
The most recent data on citypopulation.de for it is quite old. I’ll maybe see if I can find a reliable current estimate.
I tried it and it works now
am having an issue, where muscat isnt working
Muscat city proper is actually very small, under 50k, per my source citypopulation.de.
hello, i love these quizzes but would be great if the blue line was a bit more clearer instead of adding an other layer of blue making it darker..
in some instances i can’t even make the difference between a 0 layer zone i need find, and a 1 layer zone and it also makes it a lot harder to find zones i need to clear imo
unfortunately the way the API works I can’t do that
Any chance of doing this where all the cities are on the map to start and disappear as you get them?
no probably not, sorry
Spoiler warning
Ushuaia almost got me. Resorted to using google maps for that one.
For some reason it’s not taking Gitega which is Burundi’s capital.
Their latest census figures have it just under 50k. Hopefully will get some new estimates before long from Burundi.
Would it be possible to make it so that cities don’t appear on the map ? It kinda ruins the whole point of the game
sorry, all my coverage quizzes will have the cities appear. I think most people prefer it that way.
Nah, Its really hard to do the quiz with all the names
ohhh thought you meant the markers haha, yeah cities shouldn’t be there ill remove
It appears that on both this and the longitude quiz a bunch of alternate spellings/names aren’t accepted that usually are (e.g., Ho Chi Minh City, Karaganda, anything with “ciudad” such as Juarez or Guayana, Isfahan, Astana, plenty of others)
fixing this now.
Thanks! I don’t think people tell you this enough, but really appreciate you making this site and keeping it updated.
no problem! 🙂
hey i’ve matched your record! come defend your honour 🙂
nice one… cheers 🙂
hei mate, please change the map format for the lat and long coverage quizzes. so distracted by all of the cities already on them. hate cheating but i kind of have to because the cities already on it in sparsely populated places.
i’ll try to get to converting these this week.