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World City Name Changes


For each current world city, name the former name it once had (which changed in the year shown by each city). Cities may have had other former names, but the former name you are answering is only for the year shown when the change occurred. The former name in a few cases is simply a former official Romanization (spelling) of the city name.

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7 months ago
Reply to  darin

I see only 70. I would suggest Vyborg, Helsinki, and any of the larger Ukrainian cities that have de-Sovietized their names recently, like Kropyvnytskyi, Kamianske, or even Kyiv.

I’d forgotten Dnipro’s old name but I wiped it from my memory since it was so much easier to remember the new short one. 😀

6 months ago

No Bratislava?

7 months ago

Great quiz concept although I personally would enjoy it more if all entries were cities with completely different names (ex. Mexico City), rather than just different romanization (ex. Beijing).

For additional cities to add, two very notable ones in Japan are Tokyo (formerly Edo) and Osaka (formerly Naniwa).

7 months ago
Reply to  alcas

Doh, never mind re Tokyo – did not see the second page of the quiz

6 months ago
Reply to  alcas

“Beiping” isn’t just a different Romanization. It’s bei + ping, meaning “northern peace”, as opposed to bei + jing, meaning “northern capital”.

7 months ago

If you’re considering adding to the list (I’m just going to list the current names so this post doesn’t become a spoiler in the event you add them):

Rodriguez, Philippines (1982, but in the process of reverting to its original name)
Mandaluyong, Philippines (1931)
Sasmuan, Philippines (1991) (for the same reason Fugging changed theirs)
Thiruvananthapuram, India (1991)
Gurugram, India (2016)
Adama, Ethiopia (2000)

7 months ago

Why did Constantinople get the works?

7 months ago
Reply to  delta1

That’s nobody’s business but the Turks.

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