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World Countries Which Border Exactly 2 Others Elimination


Name the countries which share a land border (including causeways but not including only man-made structures) with exactly two other countries. Dependent territories are included. Naming a country that doesn’t border exactly two others will end the quiz. One country is not included as it is a wrong answer which must be typed to get a correct answer.

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3 months ago

For Denmark, I assume you’re claiming that it borders Germany and Sweden (via bridge). By the same measure, Sweden would border Denmark, as well as Finland & Norway. But Sweden is also a correct answer here.

Does Denmark border another country I’m not aware of?

2 months ago
Reply to  darin

Makes sense. But for Sweden, doesn’t it border three countries: Norway, Finland, and Denmark (via the Oresund bridge)? I believe you count Bahrain and Saudi Arabia as bordering countries due to the causeway link – would the same also apply to Sweden?

4 months ago

Morocco borders Spain, Algeria, Mauritania, doesn’t it?

4 months ago

I think UK should also be the right answer (Ireland, Spain)

Last edited 4 months ago by broccolidayo
4 months ago
Reply to  broccolidayo

Think the quiz counts Cyprus too.

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