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World Country Drawing Challenge Streak


First enter ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv’, or ‘exp’ to begin. Beginner corresponds to 60 points, intermediate to 70 points, advanced to 80 points and expert to 90 points. This is the number of points you will need to score drawing each country to get to continue on to the next country. The object is to complete as many countries as you can.

You’ll be freehand drawing the countries of the World. When the quiz loads on the right side you will be told which country to draw. To begin drawing a country, click Draw or right-click anywhere in the map to enter drawing mode. Click and drag the mouse to make an outline of the country. Release the mouse to ‘close’ the country and it will appear green. If happy and ready to submit, click submit or double-click the drawn country. Click erase or right-click the country to erase it and try again. You may have to wait a few moments for your score on larger countries.

You continue to the next country as long as your points for the last country meet the minimum (60, 70, 80, or 90) based on the level you chose. Otherwise the game is over.

You are only drawing the main portion of each country – do not worry about any disjointed islands, etc. Island countries (or predominantly island countries) are not included.

When you submit a country you are scored on the % of your country which contains the actual country (shown as ‘% In Country’) and the % of the actual country contained in your country (shown as ‘% Of Country’). These average out to create your points for that country.

hugequiz Premium members will see the actual outlines of the countries when the quiz is over.

Enter level to begin ('beg', 'int', 'adv', or 'exp')...
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9 months ago

got canada
spent 15 minutes drawing
1 star

1 year ago

Might I suggest getting rid of the micronations? Placing Monaco or San Marino’s borders accurately enough is almost impossible

1 year ago

How do I draw because it is just moving the map when i’m trying to draw a shape of a country?

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