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World Disputed Territories Identifier


Double-click on the colored marker of the disputed territory listed. Correct guesses will change the marker to green – incorrect will not change any marker. You can complete all locations to save your score or click End Quiz at any time also to save it. Dispute involves at least one independent country (as based on the 197 countries I use for my country quizzes). Some disputes may be mostly resolved but still partly disputed by one country.

Note – you may have to zoom in if a couple locations are close to each other to make sure you click on the correct one.

If by chance you don’t see markers, try refreshing the quiz.

NOTE: sometimes a river is listed – this refers typically to islands within the river – the marker will be at the mouth of the river. If two locations are listed together they are close to each other and only one marker is placed corresponding to them.

Double-click on the location's marker to answer.
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