North America

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US Cities Top 3 Blackout


Fill in the 25 squares with the top three (in terms of population, or less if less than 3 qualify) US cities based on the categories in the top row and the geographical location given in the cell. For example, if you are looking at a cell with ‘CA’ in its row, and ‘2+ Words’ in the column, that cell can be filled in with ‘San Jose’ as San Jose is one of the 3 largest 2+ Words cities in CA. When a cell is completed it fills in green.

Northeast, South, Midwest and West divisions are per the US Census Bureau’s regions. West includes AK & HI.

Occasionally a cell may not have any qualifying answer, in which case it will be filled in bright green and be a gimme. Cells with two answers left will have a very dark green background, those with one answer left more of an evergreen shade, and finally bright green for those which have been completed. Some cells with only 1 or 2 valid answers will start with a green shade corresponding to how many answers are left.

hugequiz Premium members will see missed answers in red – they will be the largest city which qualified in each cell – only one miss will be shown per incomplete cell.

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2 months ago

your georgia answers for starts with s should include smyrna, snellville, and stonecrest

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