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MLB Positions By Team Top 3 Blackout


The object of this game is to fill all 25 squares in the grid by naming the top 3 players who played the position across the top the most games for the team whose logo is shown in the cells. You MUST enter full player names, last names won’t cut it (makes it a bit too easy). A game counts if the player played that position at least partially during the game (could’ve started at that position or not started, including for pitchers). For example, if the cell is the Yankees and the column is ‘SS’ you can enter ‘Derek Jeter’ as he was in the top 3 for games played at SS for the Yankees.

PLEASE NOTE: Data only goes back thru 1901 season.

Teams and positions are randomized each time quiz is loaded.

Cells with two answers left will have a very dark green background, those with one answer left more of an evergreen shade, and finally bright green for those which have been completed.

hugequiz Premium members will see missed answers in red. Missed answers will be the player with the most games at the position for that team.

Enter guesses above to begin.
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