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Google Bad Words


Name the words blocked by Google according to a 2011 analysis. Please note, I did not include words where a number replaced a letter (like ‘1’ replacing ‘i’) nor did I include compound words (something like ‘stupidhead’) unless the first word was not part of the list – so there are a handful of those. Misspellings were also excluded as were word variations, such as plurals or gerunds. So this is a filtered list with the simple, distinct words. This quiz does show uncensored answers. Words listed in alphabetical order. First letter and word length shown.

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9 years ago

At least I got instead of vagina of sex

-spoiler alert-

Dog and Pigf*cker right, as one of the few.

I am a sick twisted f*ck

9 years ago

Interesting to see so many words that are not offensive if used in the correct context.

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