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US Largest Cities By Syllables
DirectionsName the 50 largest US cities of minimum 5K population by how many syllables are in their name (usually official name unless much more common used). I tried to count syllables as if a native English speaker were pronouncing the names i.e. diphthongs are typically counted as multiple syllables. Judgment calls had to be made on certain names.
Slightly perturbed. I understand the need to push monetization for you. But cutting the time limits in half for non-paying members severely reduces the pleasure of doing some of these quizzes, an example being this one. I felt I was doing well, i.e. not wasting time thinking on cities I was stumped on…, but each time bonus was minimal. Perhaps instead of a 50% penalty for non-paying, you give a 100% bonus to paying? Or cut the penalty to 75% or some such.
I don’t mean to criticize in a negative way. I really enjoy this site, but with the new changes, I am being pushed to either pay for membership, or stop visiting. And I have a very frugal spouse 🙁
thanks for the input. yes a double-edged sword. i’ll bump the time on this one a little bit though.
Would be much appreciated.