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US State Satellite Zoom Challenge


You will be given Google satellite view zoomed in near the center of 20 different US 5K+ population cities. The view will start being zoomed in fully and zoom out every 5 seconds. Name the state you are in by typing the state abbreviation. The faster you answer, the more points you get. Max of 25 points per location.

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3 months ago

Love this! I am enjoying a lot of your quizzes, but this one is now my favorite.

4 months ago

Unless the image seems to be very obvious right off the bat, I almost automatically guess CA, IL, IN, NJ, NY. Half the time it seems like it’s one of those 5 states.

6 months ago

Another fantastic quiz. There is a lot of benefit in guessing CA and NJ before you know which state it is. 😀

1 year ago

This is so much fun! Is there any chance you’ll be adding more cities to this? I’ve played a few times now and am getting a lot of repeats.

1 year ago
Reply to  darin

Sorry, I guess I meant that I am seeing a lot of NJ and IL. I am seeing a few cities a few times but I don’t remember which ones they are. Sorry to be a bother!

1 year ago
Reply to  darin

alright, thanks!

1 year ago
Reply to  darin

ah, here’s one I’ve gotten 4 or 5 times: Bath, NY

1 year ago

This is an awesome one, I could do this all day!

1 year ago

This one was fun! One of them was a town a couple hours from me that I got pretty fast.

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