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NBA 10×10 Blackout


The object of this game is to fill all 100 squares in the grid by naming players who meet the qualifications listed across the top for the teams shown in the cells. You MUST enter full player names, last names won’t cut it (makes it a bit too easy).

Stats along the top are only FOR THAT TEAM and FOR THE PLAYER’S CAREER (i.e. not an individual season, that player’s entire career with that team). So if the top line has ’10K+ Points’ and the cell shows the Hawks you are looking for players who had 10K+ points for the Hawks during their entire time with the Hawks.

For awards such as MVP, the player had to have won that award while playing for that team at season’s end.

Teams and stats are randomized each time quiz is loaded. Occasionally a cell may not have a qualifying answer in which case it will appear blank and be a gimme.

hugequiz Premium members will see missed answers in red. Missed answers will be the player with the most points for that team who qualifies for that cell.

Try other NBA Blackout quizzes:
NBA Points By Name Blackout | NBA Stats By Team Top 3 Blackout
NBA 2-Team Blackout | NBA Seasons Blackout – Choose Team
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11 hours ago

Omer Yertseven not being accepted for the Y last name

1 year ago

Just my two cents, but seems like this quiz would flow a little better without the de minimis categories like 100-249 points or whatever the lowest rung of rebounds or assists are (could be replaced with blocks or FG%). Really hard to remember who had a brief cup of coffee where.

3 months ago
Reply to  CrowTRobot

ooooh latin, settle down

1 year ago

doug mcdermott is giving a correct answer for Dallas, but he never played there

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