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English Most Common Nouns 10×10 Blackout


The object of this game is to fill all 100 squares in the grid by naming nouns (among the top 5K English nouns) which meet the characteristics listed across the top for the first letter of the noun shown in the cells. Only nouns in the top 5K of English nouns according to the Corpus of Contemporary English are accepted as answers – the noun must also be on the TWL06 Scrabble word list, so slang/etc are usually not accepted.

PLEASE NOTE – the noun frequency is based on a lemma noun list which combines versions of the same noun – i.e. plurals are listed only as singular.

Double letter refers to the noun having any repeating letter, for example ‘pool’ or ‘meeting.’

Letter rank refers to the rank of that noun among all nouns beginning with that letter.

For example, if the cell is ‘A’ and the column is ‘2-3 Letters’ you can enter ‘art.’

First letters and characteristics are randomized each time the game is loaded. Occasionally a cell may not have a qualifying answer in which case it will appear blank and be a gimme.

hugequiz Premium members will see missed answers in red. Missed answers will be the most popular noun which qualifies for that cell.

Enter guesses above to begin.
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1 year ago

Hard to believe that for a 4-letter word, “inch” isn’t a valid answer, but “iris” is.

1 year ago


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