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Barcelona Neighborhoods


Name the neighborhoods (barris) of Barcelona.

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1 year ago

It’s really anoying having to type the articles like “la” and “el” and all names like “La nova esquerra de l’example”, just typing “Esquerra de l’eixample” or similar should be accepted. I lived in Barcelona my whole life and no one says “El poblenou”, it’s just “Poblenou”. Also it didn’t worked “Gràcia” or “Vila de Gràcia”, don’t know why. Very cool anyways! Thanks

Last edited 1 year ago by JMVila
1 year ago

Really cool quiz, but I find it impossible to get to 100%. There are some neighbourhoods that for some reason I cannot write with accents or without. Like “el Guinardó”, “el Baix Guinardó”, “Can Baró”, “Torre Baró”, “Baró de Viver”, “Sant Martí de Provençals” and “Provençals de Poblenou”. The issue might be with accents and ç. But then “el Gòtic” or “Vila de Gràcia” are completely fine, so I don’t know…
Furthermore, people generally call the neighbourhoods without the articles “el” and “la” (except maybe three or four), but that’s the official name so… No one can dispute that.

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