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Comedy Actors With The Highest Total Box Office Gross In Leading Roles (Live)


Name the top 100 actors/actress by total domestic box office gross for comedy films in which they appeared in a leading role. Total gross and # of movies shown.

This quiz is LIVE meaning it updates automatically when new box office figures are released.

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7 months ago

I’m wondering how “leading role” is defined in this quiz. 16 actors in it seem to be people who had a couple of lines in BARBIE and nothing else. I can see an argument for Simu Liu, maybe, but to have someone like Jamie Demetriou, who played unnamed “Mattel Executive,” listed, but not larger names from the movie like John Cena, Rhea Perlman, or Helen Mirren seems questionable. It also seems to go against the spirit of the quiz, which I imagine is to name broadly successful comic actors.

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