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Germany Districts


Name the districts (kreise) of Germany.

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4 months ago

Was muss man denn eingeben, damit die Stadt Offenbach grün wird? “Offenbach” jedenfalls nicht. Da wird nur der Kreis grün.

7 months ago

I had 259, but the score was not saved. 🙁

1 year ago

I like the quiz (but I’m also from Germany, so it’s not so hard for me), but I’m not so happy with the update.
1) in the previous version the german ä,ö and ü worked alongside a, o and u, now they don’t anymore.
2) the abbreviations are kind of odd. For example I didn’t get ‘Neumarkt i.d. OPf.’ because I couldn’t guess what kind of abbreviation you used. The correct name would be: ‘Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz’, but that does not work. ‘Neumarkt i.d. Oberpfalz’ also didn’t work. And there are several other examples where either the abbreviation worked, but not the whole title, or the other way around, and no abbreviation would work. That could definitly work better.
3) You don’t need the exact name of the district any more, which you needed in former versions. I’m not so happy with this, because if you type in ‘rhein’, you will get six or seven districts, which all starts with ‘rhein’. That should not really be the case. Also the difference between a district and a ‘free city’, which have often slightly different names, get lost.
4) if the word ‘kreis’ (german for district) is part of the name without a space between, you have to type it, but not if its an extra word (saalekreis <-> rhein sieg kreis), which is not so konvenient. That was also the case in former versions, but not typing the word ‘kreis’ if its at the end would definitly be more konvenient.

1 year ago

Rer ich weis gar nix

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