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US 1K+ City Coverage
DirectionsFirst choose a difficulty by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv, or ‘exp’ – Beginner is 100 mile radius, Intermediate 50 miles, Advanced 25 miles, and Expert 10 miles. Then, enter 1K+ population cities and all 1K+ population cities within that radius will automatically fill in. Cities may take a moment to fill in on easier levels or with answers that have multiple cities.
hugequiz Premium members will see the 25 largest missed cities at the end of the quiz as large, purple markers.
NEW: Premium members can now also play a 3-hour time limit ‘custom’ coverage quiz of any distance from 5 miles to 500 miles, simply enter the distance followed by a ‘.’ instead of choosing from one of the four levels, i.e. ‘350.’ Quiz score is not recorded for the custom coverage option.
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Hey how do I turn on sound on for the quiz
You have to start the quiz then you should see a speaker icon under the guess box.
Yeah…. literally nothing is happening. Timer is going down but it won’t recognize anything. 0/0 cities, 1m+ 0/0……
Refresh the quiz once or twice – it is working.
11023! awesome quiz!
It is fun :3
im brazilian and got 11K and 20 States not bad i guess.
I like this quiz – it is fun!
If you’re a premium member try the 500 miles radius and type a city that has a lot of that city name in many states, like Springfield, it’s for sure the most states you’ll complete in 1 input on any quiz.
love this quiz man
I got all of them but 3 cities in Alaska, im impressed.
It would be really neat if there was a state-by-state version of this, and you could also add to your score based on how few circles you had to place.
There is state by state coverage…
Don’t be like me and forget Alaska and Hawaii. I was absolutely beside myself having nearly blacked out the continguous 48 states and wondering why there were still over a hundred cities left. Here I was straining to think of even a single town of 1000 anywhere in the blankest parts of Nevada.
Is anyone else struggling with Alaska? Badger is almost 20k people but it’s not showing up at all and I can’t seem to complete Alaska without adding smaller towns. is it measuring population with or without tourists
Badger is a CDP not a city, they are not included in my city quizzes
Love that this specific quiz keeps making up a new excuse as to why it’s locked behind a paywall each week. I’ll go play the free version on sporcle. This website is a disappointment
Well enjoy! There is no free version of this on Sporcle 🙂
This isn’t working for me. It’s not recognizing anything I type in.
working fine for me – try refreshing it.
Apparently cities in reservations just don’t count? Lots of missing data here.
if they aren’t incorporated no they typically aren’t included as they aren’t cities. this goes for most states. also this quiz is 1K+ population too.
Of all the states I completed in this, most of them were ones I’ve never even been to, but I didn’t even complete my own home state… I’m disappointed in myself
it’s now unlocked yall
please tell me when this will be available again for non-premium users
just get the premium! price isn’t too bad plus you can support the creator. I got the 3.99 for 3 months to try it out
that’s the spirit! lol
is this unlocked yet? it’s not working for me…
it’s back on the regular Premium schedule. it was available the last two days and now this week until next Sunday it is only available for premium members.
anyone have the Strats? I couldn’t get more than like 25/26 states
Try names of presidents. I think there are more than 30 towns called Washington in the US. I will also find multiple towns called Madison, Lincoln, Jefferson, …
I would love to see a version of this that required the state for it to be a valid guess, so you have to type “Springfield, IL”. It’s a bit silly that most of the states I covered were by accident.
have thought about it but then people will just spend time typing common names and guessing their states for each one.
first in line waiting
available now! Sunday it will be an off week for the US & World quizzes, so it begins the alternating weekly schedule in a few days.
Worth paying 3.99 for, worth supporting creators of fun content
The wizard sent me, and I feel bad, but I can patiently wait until the seventh.
I thank you for your patience 🙂 Premium memberships start at $3.99! 🙂
Damn was really hyped to try an beat Geowizard, this would have been the only puzzle I had a shot in.
Will be available in a few days for all 🙂
ive never stepped foot in american and I got 23 states. I feel like a combo of guessing europeen state capitals, classic american city names like springfield or jacksonville and general knowledge can get you pretty far. US city names are so basic
Springfield alone uncovers over 4,000 cities and instantly completes three states!
the fist city i put down was richmond
Looks like an European who barely knows USA also has a chance. Just write some European capitals and you often even get multiple matches, because the European immigrants often named the new towns and cities after cities in their former homeland. I was also surprised how many Jacksons and Jacksonvilles there were. Mix in the little knowledge of USA you have and on beginner, some 10 states should be fairly easy to do 😀
Very true! I typed Jackson (for Jackson, Mississippi) and like half the map went blue!