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IMDB Most Popular TV Series With A Name In Title


Name the 100 most popular (in terms of IMDB votes) TV series with a character or star’s name (or nickname) as part of the title. Name may be real or fictional character/person. First two words accepted for longer titles. Votes, network (for US/UK, otherwise country), and years shown.

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Sure, Not
6 years ago

Any way to expand the answer list? I quit after guessing, unsuccessfully, Maude, The Andy Griffith Show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Dick Van Dyke Show, Webster…. The list is just too small to be very fun.

6 years ago

Not accepting ‘House’ seems harsh. I believe Fawlty Towers has enough votes to qualify. Thanks once again for the quizzes.

6 years ago
Reply to  darin

Thanks. I believe Daredevil should also qualify.

6 years ago
Reply to  darin

Lastly, typing ‘leylaand’ does not work for Leyla and mecnum. Black books, masters of sex and the a-team should all qualify. As perhaps should justice league and maybe veep. I think that’s it.

6 years ago

There’s a character name in the title “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”?

6 years ago
Reply to  darin

‘black books’ main character is called bernard black and the main character of ‘masters of sex” is Dr William Masters.

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