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MLB/NBA/NFL/NHL Franchises Past & Present
DirectionsThe maps displays all present and past franchises team names for all US/Canada franchises in MLB, NBA/ABA/BAA, NFL & NHL/WHA. Name the *full* team names for each marker. Anytime a team simply changed its nickname there is a new marker showing that – markers are in order for each location left-to-right by descending final year of that team. ‘Current’ refers to past and present team names of current franchises. MLB includes Federal/Players leagues & Union/Amer Associations, but NOT National Association. NFL includes AFL/AAFC/APFA since 1920. You must write the full team name as there are many duplicates for the nickname. Some city abbreviations such as ‘KC’, ‘LA’ and ‘NY’ are allowed. You can zoom in to see the individual markers more clearly.
This is a favorite (and very tough quiz, given the history).
FYI, it might be helpful to add some additional markers for multi-city teams. You have both Memphis and Nashville for the Tennessee Oilers, and both Greenville and Charlotte for the Carolina Panthers. The Kansas City-Omaha Kings played in both cities, so a marker in Omaha might be good. Also, the Texas Chaparrals played in Dallas, San Antonio, and Lubbock, so maybe add markers for those cities?
I’ve added those – thanks!
Oh yeah… i should’ve suggested that the WNBA also be in this quiz…
With the announcement today that MLB is going to recognize the Negro Leagues as a major league, will those teams be added in the future?
remains to be seen…nothing is officially changed yet and it depends what MLB does officially.
They are now recognized and their stats included in the Major League counts.
This is an awesome quiz – would be cool to have separate editions for each league
Couldn’t type fast enough. I’ll try again later.
Didn’t realize WHA teams were included until the last second.