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World 250 Km Population Challenge


In 15 minutes name the World cities of 250K+ population trying to get the highest population. Population will only count when all other 250K cities within 250 km are guessed.

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5 months ago

This made me finally give in and work on my suburbs some more, so thanks for that! I learned about 25 strategically placed new cities for this, which was fun.

I find it hard that it is on municipality level which makes some cities almost impossible to learn (like whatever is the cotonou suburb in this). I also wonder where the numbers for Leiden, the Netherlands came from because the largest municipality number I was able to find is 130.181. Leiden is not in the top 10 of largest Dutch cities or municipalities anywhere yet here it is somehow the 6th.

5 months ago

I love the new concepts. This one is really challenging. Just as an experiment I’m trying to get points for Chongqing while looking at Google Maps and it’s still challenging!

5 months ago
Reply to  Philip

OK, after almost 23 minutes wherein I got a lot better at getting Chinese place names from Google Maps, I have cleared Chongqing for a total score of 9.9M!

5 months ago

I think the Missed Tab is bugged, it shown me the biggest cities, even those that I guessed correctly

5 months ago
Reply to  Sokasz

Most likely it means that you didn’t get credit for their population because you didn’t clear their 250km radius entirely.

Not sure how I feel about that reporting — ideally I’d want to see the biggest cities that I could realistically have claimed by learning a few suburbs or other nearest neighbors, and more importantly a list of those neighbors, but that’s probably too much to ask from Darin.

On the other hand, I basically never guess Beijing or Shanghai (except to experiment) because there’s no chance I’ll ever clear their radius. So it’s really hard to report any meaningful “50 missed.”

The best way to improve at this is to pick a moderately-populated area and “cheat” by learning all the small cities in that area. Do that *before* you clear out the big ones, to help with orientation.

5 months ago

250 cities in 10 minutes just to get the time bonus is kinda crazy, that’s 25 cities a minute, about one every 2 seconds. Can you make it more reasonable? I had plenty more to type but couldn’t do it fast enough

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