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YouTube Compilations – Movies


Type ‘movies’ to see movie compilations or ‘characters’ to see characters compilations. Choose one of the compilations and it will begin playing and the timer will start. For movies, try to name all the movies which appear in the compilation. First two words accepted for longer titles. For characters, you are naming the character (not actor), typically need the full name or just last name, but some single word names are accepted.

The table is filled in with timestamps which you can click on to go to that answer’s spot in the video. Pressing CTRL will pause/unpause the video which will give you extra time to type an answer. The left SHIFT key will rewind the video 5 seconds.

hugequiz Premium will see twice as many missed answers (as usual), but also will see the timestamps next to each missed answer so they can view it easily.

Type 'movies' or 'characters' to choose video.
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hugequiz - 85 views

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9 months ago
Reply to  darin

Yeah this is good, good stuff. You could this with music videos (GOOD MUSIC!) etc etc

9 months ago
Reply to  darin

More of these, please.

4 months ago

I never saw that Matrix Agent as a villain.

9 months ago

love the concept and enjoyed the quizzes (although nothing to do with the quiz, just couldn’t believe how honking that ‘best acting’ one was, the compiler must have some kind of allergy to women)

9 months ago
Reply to  Chandelier

maybe also tweak it to Movies & TV for that one too

9 months ago

Oh thats fun!

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