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IMDB Most Popular Movies With Numbers 1-10 In The Title
DirectionsName the top 10 movies in terms of IMDB votes as-of March 2015 which contain each number 1-10 in the title. Number can be the digit (not as part of a different number, only by itself), the number spelled out, the roman numeral, or the ordinal number, i.e. ‘2’ can be ‘2’, ‘Two’, ‘II’ or ‘Second’ or ‘2nd’. For the spelled out ‘One’ it must be referring to the number 1, not just one as a pronoun referring to one person or thing (i.e. ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest does not count). First two words accepted for longer titles.
Furious 7 and 9 and a Half Weeks both seem to meet the vote threshold, no?
Furious 7 wasn’t out yet when I last pulled the votes data in March. 9.5 Weeks was just shy.
No Close Encounters of the Third Kind? Weird…