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Vanity Fair’s 100 Greatest Movies About New York City


Name the 100 greatest movies about New York City as chosen by Vanity Fair in early 2015. Movies sorted by release year. Year and director shown. ‘*’ indicates movie was among the top 10 NYC movies also chosen by Vanity Fair. First two words acceptable for longer titles.

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5 years ago

Quick Change!

8 years ago

Yeah, this list is completely nuts. Home Alone, You’ve Got Mail and Avengers ahead of The Godfather or Pickup on South Street.

Still, I like this kind of list, would love to see more for other cities.

Also, is the Gordon Parks entry wrong or did he make some masterpiece I’m not aware of?

5 years ago
Reply to  blocho

Other cities could be good- L.A, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, London, Paris, Rome, Las Vegas…

Sure, Not
8 years ago

How about no Gangs of New York or Die Hard 3, either!

8 years ago

What kind of insane list includes Home Alone 2 as one of the 100 greatest movies about New York, but not Do the Right Thing?

7 years ago
Reply to  jlk7e

Or A Bronx Tale!

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