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25 World Countries By Flag Colors Pie Chart


Name the country for each of the 25 random world flags pie charts of colors (taken from the main image on their flag Wikipedia page). Pie charts show the proportion of each color on the country’s flag. You get 45 seconds per pie chart then it will go to the next one. The faster you guess, the more points you get.

Some countries may be very close with colors but the shades are slightly different so you may be guessing the wrong country.

Any colors with under 1% of coverage on the flag are not included.

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11 months ago

there are a few countries that dont have a pie chart for me and are just a black screen idk if this is my computer of the quiz itself

11 months ago

i got indonesia monaco and poland in a row

1 month ago
Reply to  BOBvagyok

dude no way

11 months ago

I spent too much time on this one lol. Finally a score i don’t think i will beat without a lot of luck

11 months ago

Liberia’s chart has too many colors

11 months ago
Reply to  Twisty

Malaysia also has an extra pink color

11 months ago
Reply to  Twisty

Actually, a lot of the charts have extra colors that seem to come from where white meets another color in the flag.

11 months ago

no way im first on a quiz on the main page lmao

11 months ago

i didnt know there was a time limit, also libya has 33 percent black not like 47 or something

11 months ago
Reply to  porkmanshrekys

oops apparently libya has more black

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