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All US Places Coverage
DirectionsFirst choose a difficulty by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv, or ‘exp’ – Beginner is 100 mile radius, Intermediate 50 miles, Advanced 25 miles, and Expert 10 miles. Then, enter cities and all cities within that radius will automatically fill in.
hugequiz Premium members will see the 25 largest missed cities at the end of the quiz as large, purple markers.
we need one that includes the territories cities
this quiz needs a custom option
Is it possible to complete the state of Alaska by covage?
The quiz is not working anymore?
working fine for me – trying reloading it.
i somehow got adak, alaska but not roseau, mn. im still happy with getting 21272
Is it possible to get Alaska? There’s a lot of towns that are not working
everything that’s incorporated should work fine for AK. unincorporated areas are generally not included in my quizzes.
20k /21k in intermediate… so close. Fun quiz!
Thanks Darin, fun quiz.
I got 16867 just by naming europian capitals and countries, pretty cool!
You can get a surprisingly long way by just typing European capitals
I believe it should be possible to exceed 20k points rather easily if you expand it to European city names in general. The amount of German/UK/historical city names found in the US is insane. Look at number of places called Heidelberg, Florence or Newcastle for example..
add in a few presidents and Springfield too 😛
Can the scores on this be reset? The amount of cities seems to be decreased.
i’ve lowered all the scores by the difference in amount of cities. I have less now as I was counting towns in some states that shouldn’t have been on this quiz.
the list needs to be updated last update was in 2015 weve had a us census since than
this actually is updated with 2020 census figures. i don’t mark every single US quiz that uses the same database each time I update the database.
its really hard to get all of the small alaskan towns might want to consider dropping some off the list i even write them down thinking i have enough in the radius but i don’t in the end for beginner
They’re real places, same as small towns in Idaho or Kentuck or Saskatchewan! Leave them in!