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World Country/Territory By CIA World Factbook Description


Name the country or dependent territory given the CIA World Factbook ‘Background’ section for that country/territory. You can type ‘.’ at any time during an answer to clear the answer box (to save time backspacing an incorrect guess). Countries/territories chosen at random from over 250 total. Points based on time to answer. You are given up to 25 total countries/territories, and a max of 45 seconds for each.

The word (country) will replace any country-related words that would give away the country name in the description.

Some background sections won’t entirely fit in the box but the vast majority will be shown.

Type 'start' to begin.
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2 months ago

As with all quizzes on this site, the time is just too short. I want to read the whole blurb and can’t even do that before it flips to the next country.

1 year ago

wallis and futuna is left uncenscored

9 months ago
Reply to  darin

The description for Somalia has “Somali” and “Somaliland” all over it although given Somaliland used to be a separate entity, perhaps this is intentional.

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