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Hollywood Walk Of Fame Stars
DirectionsName the people and non-people with Walk of Fame stars. Sorted by FIRST NAME then category. Entries are sorted by first name and then category, as some people have multiple stars (# in parentheses is number of stars for that person). For people use last names, unless some are known as a duo with a certain name, or a group known collectively as another name. Fictional characters and marked with a ‘*’ and require full names. A handful of non-people have stars, these are included. The “Special Stars” that are not officially on the Walk are also included. Individuals paired together but listed as full names need only one of the last names typically for an answer, unless it is perhaps a duet more commonly known as the duet name.
How To Play Head To HeadHead To Head
#1 - | #21 - | #41 - |
#2 - | #22 - | #42 - |
#3 - | #23 - | #43 - |
#4 - | #24 - | #44 - |
#5 - | #25 - | #45 - |
#6 - | #26 - | #46 - |
#7 - | #27 - | #47 - |
#8 - | #28 - | #48 - |
#9 - | #29 - | #49 - |
#10 - | #30 - | #50 - |
#11 - | #31 - | |
#12 - | #32 - | |
#13 - | #33 - | |
#14 - | #34 - | |
#15 - | #35 - | |
#16 - | #36 - | |
#17 - | #37 - | |
#18 - | #38 - | |
#19 - | #39 - | |
#20 - | #40 - |