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Europe 10K+ City Coverage
DirectionsFirst choose a difficulty by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv, or ‘exp’ – Beginner is 200km radius, Intermediate 100km, Advanced 50km, and Expert 25km. Then, enter 10K+ population cities and all 10K+ population cities within that radius will automatically fill in.
hugequiz Premium members will see the 25 largest missed cities at the end of the quiz as large, purple markers.
NEW: Premium members can now also play a 3-hour time limit ‘custom’ coverage quiz of any distance from 5km to 500km, simply enter the distance followed by a ‘.’ instead of choosing from one of the four levels, i.e. ‘350.’ Quiz score is not recorded for the custom coverage option.
Great quiz!
How do you get 9909 when 9897 is max on Int.?
It changes over time as cities are constantly being updated – it will be up over 9909 before long.
back to first (int)
how to get Russia….
honestly no clue
it is really easy
this ever gonna be free again?
It’s free the 1st thru the 7th of every month (the week the Europe city and World city map quizzes are all free).
Castellón de la Plana isnt working for advanced
it works it fills in under just ‘castello’
9899 finally lol
9874/9899 SOOO CLOSE
Sintra (Portugal) not working as well
the locality is under 10K:
Why Piraeus (Greece) doesn’t work?
population 168151
That’s counted as part of Athens (as are other munis)
9379 new high score 😀
If stuck on Russia 1. follow the roads up along the Urals 2. flush out the borders 3. Naryanmar
Where do you get your cities and positions from?
mostly citypopulation.de
9427. i dont think its too bad.
Good one, got 9667/9885
8808, but I did it in a beginner level. Being russian quite helped, although I’ve mostly spent time correcting spelling mistakes and remembering the cities I’ve been and seen on my russian version of the Ticket to Ride map.
Real’no +++
Even with the 3-hour mode, I still wasn’t able to get all. 13 cities in northern Russia were all that was left though. Great fun!
managed to get 8847/9882 cities, i would say not too bad
I did alrigt 😉
fyi added Russian rural settlements/villages which hadn’t been included, so we are nearing 10K total places 🙂
hi darin, there are some settlements on European side of turkey, in canakkale region. Across the strait from main city of canakkale, there are gelibolu, enez which are +10k
hey…yeah but I’m just including cities in provinces where the whole province is on the Euro side (except Istanbul)
Why when I type Izmir (Turkey) it doesn’t work?
not in europe
only Turkish cities in Europe included
interesting challenge
can anyone do sweden it is impossible
depends what level of difficulty you mean?
It’s impossible even on beginner
I got 34 🙁
On Intermediate, naming Kiruna, Luleå, Skellefteå, Umeå, Sundsvall, Östersund, Gävle, Borlänge, Stockholm, Örebro, Karlstad, Jönköping, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Halmstad, Västervik, Kalmar, Kristianstad and Copenhagen (Denmark) does it.
I´m always missing something in Norway and I can´t for the life of me figure out which one it is.
Is expert even possible???
Everyone – I’ve had to shut this quiz down except for Premium Members – this will change but for now it’s costing me over $100/day just for the Google Maps usage associated with this quiz alone. Please consider becoming a member to support the site, and check back soon to see if this quiz is available again.
Hi Darin, and thanks a lot for this great game! Have you tried switching to an OSM provider instead?
it would be a ton of work and I wouldn’t be able to have the nice Google features everyone loves, there are a ton of maps quizzes on this site 🙂
I know you probably get a ton of suggestions now, but if it costs that much, maybe try caching responses from google?
it’s not that, it’s that every time the quiz is loaded it is a Maps API request, which can’t be cached. But I think we’re getting things under control now 🙂
Just messaging to say that the quizzes are much appreciated!
im so sad right now
you’ll be ok 🙂 $3.99 only for three months 🙂
not everyone has 3.99.
bro it’s costing him $100 a month bro
bit more than that lol
Probably many are playing this quiz because a few days ago the YouTuber GeoWizard played the quiz. And his video has over 50,000 views.
over 500,000 🙂
When will the quiz be accessible again? Are there any similar quizzes, or have they all been made Premium?
probably within a couple weeks. just search for Coverage or Europe Coverage there are many others 🙂
that sucks 🙁
I’m legit missing 2 cities for a max score in Russia, can anyone help me maybe? What are the most obscure/difficult cities to get?
no one cares about russia
I do, problems?
Check Kem, Elista, Syktyvkar
I’m confused about when a country is “completed”. I swear that I have a blue circle covering every single part of France, including Corsica, and yet it’s not putting France as complete. 🙁
france have a lot of colonial parts like french polinesia or frech guyana
yes other countries do too, I only consider geographical Europe for this quiz
Im so sad… wanted to play but i dont have any money 🙁
I wouldn’t have any either if I didn’t get this quiz under control lol 🙂
8920/9666 – beginner
ok for the first try?
Beginner about 9300, intermediate about 8300.
8831 on beginner. Not bad. But the one that really annoyed me was I couldn’t fill in the east of Iceland and I couldn’t fill in Crimea. I tried Simferapol and Sebastopol but it wouldn’t take it. I tried different spellings but I guess either I never got the spelling right or for some reason it’s not considered as Europe. Frustrating.
Sevastopol with a V and Simferopol with an O 🙂
personally i wouldnt say that the faroe islands are part of denmark
they’re a territory of Denmark 100%
*A territory of the Kingdom of Denmark. I would personally seperate the two.
*A territory of the Kingdom of Denmark* I wouldn’t say it’s as black and white as you put it, and personally I would seperate the two, but I respect it if you don’t – still a cool map!
9637. how cover Portugal? is Funchal (Madeira) included?
The Azores are, not Funchal.
Isn’t Cyprus an Asian?
You included even Orenburg (Russia) but not the Atyrau (Nort-West Kazakhstan) which seems odd.
Cyprus is included in Europe on many quiz sites. I include Russia east to the Urals as part of Europe. Kazakhstan is always considered Asian.
Kazakhstan is mostly considered as Asian, but part of it’s territory in Europe. What you are consider as southeast boundary of Europe after Urals? Kazakhstan–Russia border? Wiki says it’s Ural River and such towns as Uralsk and Atyrau placed right on it.
I don’t know a single quiz site that considers any part of Kazakhstan in Europe, sorry. Yes I can see that geographically it may be considered partly in Europe but for all my quizzes I consider it Asia.
Really fun, well done making this! Got 9256, I’m guessing almost all I missed were in Russia as I only know ~10 Russian cities, and the rest of the map was pretty well covered, except for rural parts of Scandinavia and a couple of islands which won’t account for many cities.
One question: it lists there as being 4 cities with 5m+ population and 5 with 2.5-5m, and says I got all of both categories, but I can’t work out the 5th 2.5-5m city after Madrid, Rome, Berlin, and Kyiv. Is there one? All the sources I can find only list those 4, and all the 1-2.5m ones on the Wiki list (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_cities_by_population_within_city_limits) show up as the same here, meaning either there isn’t a 5th, or it’s one not on that list at all. It said I found all 5, I just can’t think what it could be, and being a bit OCD it’s bugging me, so thought I’d ask!
Thanks again for a great game!
Although 99% of turkey doesn’t count for the quiz, the city you’re looking for is Istanbul.
I love this, can we expect other continents in the future? 😀
there are some already, just search for Coverage
Why isn’t Georgia included in Europe?
Georgia is never really included in Europe, either politically or geographically. Same with Armenia and Azerbaijan.
As a mostly Christian nation, one could argue that Georgia (and also Armenia) is at least culturally a European nation. The case for Armenia is even stronger, since Armenian is an Indo-European language. But geographically they are both in Western Asia
Georgia and Azerbaijan are for a small part geographically in Europe. Just like Khazakstan and Turkey. In all 4 of them the majority is in Asia though.
I don’t know if Georgia has any 10k+ cities in Europe as nearly all of Georgia that is in Europe is on the mountain range.
I’m not managing to complete greece with: Athens, Corfu, Thessaloniki, Sparta and some coverage from plovdiv and tirana. Does anyone know what i’m missing?
Herklion as well, on beginner difficulty.
something on islands near Turkey I presume?
I’ve been looking but i cant find a city that works
Kalimnos and Mytilene should do it 🙂
Yes thank you!
Also Rhodes, Greece’s 4th largest island
You’re getting a lot of critical comments, but I think this is really good, keep it up
can’t please everyone! and city populations and spellings can differ but I typically get these all from citypopulation.de.
it didn’t take Örebro (Sweden )
It doesn’t allow ö,ä or å, so you have to replace ö with o, ä or å with a. It’s pretty annoying, but I understand why it’s done that way, better to allow both.
yes getting a lot of European users recently with the geowizard video. ill see if I can address this soon so non English letters are accepted.
Same goes for the letter č
I didn’t try Örebro. But it sure accepted “Göteborg” so I think you’re wrong about åäö
I’ve fixed a few things so a lot of accented/umlaut letters will be accepted, try refreshing the quiz and holding Ctrl so you get a non cached version
Cities like Nuremburg and Caligari arent working for me
they are ‘Nuremberg’ and ‘Cagliari’
In fact its Nürnberg. Many cities have different names in different languages. I’d like to see this adressed. Else I would have to “translate” via Google or Wikipedia what takes the fun.
yeah I usually have the English names for cities, I don’t know if it’s even practical to look up all the thousands of spellings for the thousands of cities in their native languages, sorry.
my comment is that I am surprised not to know anything about the scandinavian countires, they are yet so popular but yet so unpopular (when it comes to geography)
Höfn is not registering
needs to be 10k or more population
Why does POR not want to complete for me? All of mainland Portugal covered, and it seems to not accept “Funchal” on Madeira as answer.
you’re missing the Azores I think
Very strange it includes the Azores, but leaves out the much more populous and culturally important Madeira/Funchal (6th largest city of Portugal!)
it’s Europe geographically. Those cities are generally considered Africa geographically. Otherwise there are European cities all over the globe with all the dependencies.
4374 Intermediate.
I got 9361 intermediate, could’ve done better honestly, but I’ll train myself to do far better then that
there isn’t too “far” to do better than that lol, that’s pretty close to perfect
GeoWizard beaten.
an idea: once the time runs out, show like ‘biggest cities missed’ or something, idk
9238 intermediate
A lot of names arent working, e.a. Tampere (Finland), Heraklion (Greece), Zadar (Croatia), Split (Croatia). I even googled the english pronounciation, but doesnt work.
they all worked for me just now, did you choose a level to start per the instructions?
Split works
All of those worked for me.