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Time Magazine All Covers (Premium Only)


Name all the people (who are newsworthy – occasionally everyday citizens are on the cover and were not included) who’ve been on a Time cover (US issue) since its inception trying to obtain the most covers. The person must be named or displayed in a somewhat prominent way on the main area of the cover – illustrations included. ‘*’ denotes those who have been Man/Person of the Year. Full names may be required for any non-human answer or those known more commonly without a last name. Royalty/Popes should be named using Roman Numerals (if necessary), or title and location, i.e. “King Bob III,” “Prince of Hugequiz” or “Lord Hugequiz.” Music groups are counted as one answer and should be answered with the name of the group, not individual members.

This quiz is only available to Premium members.

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Rolling Stone Magazine Cover Groups | Time Magazine 3+ Covers
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