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Premier League All Players


Name all EPL players. Players are grouped by team – total appearances for team, years, and country of birth shown (‘2014’ refers to 2014-15 season, and so on). Goal is most appearances, not players. Apps categories bottom right are for one team, not overall.

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6 years ago

I cannot for the life of me figure out who #3 on West Ham is…there weren’t even any Americans in the squad at that time that I can see.

7 years ago

Also why do you have Vieira listed as Senegalese now? He played internationally for France and is identified as a French player.

7 years ago
Reply to  darin

Not trying to be a pain here, but I looked up Vieira on the website and he’s listed as French. There are others like Benteke and Nani for example where I find a similar discrepancy.

I’m pursuing this because quite frankly, some of these new nationalities since the update (which seem to be linked to country of birth) are creating an additional challenge in playing the quiz. As someone who knows a lot of these players and nationalities they’re actually identified as, seeing countries like Uzbekistan and Cape Verde pop up in the hints is really confusing.

6 years ago
Reply to  prolifik

I’m guessing this is due to a difference in the concept of “nationality” between the UK and the US. In most countries in the Americas (including the US), if you are born in a country then you are automatically a citizen of that country. I think many Americans do not realise this is not the case in most of the world – in most countries, where you’re born is irrelevant – e.g. being born in the UK/Kazakhstan/Malawi does not automatically make you British/Kazakh/Malawian, it’s the nationality(-ies) of your parents that influences what your nationality is.

That said, I love this quiz and this site, thanks a lot for all your efforts!

3 years ago
Reply to  prolifik

Uzbekistan and Cape Verde – assume that’s Odemwingie & Nani?

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