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World’s Largest Urban Centres By Country/Territory
DirectionsName that many of the world’s largest urban centres by each country/territory. Keep in mind names of urban centres are not always a city name, can also be an area/district name as well. Info on the definition of an urban centre is below:
how massawa is bigger than asmara and fomboni is bigger than moroni?
I believe the answer for Germany is incorrect – Berlin as a city has a higher population than the number next to the listed answer
Per the source it’s the largest. Urban areas can be defined different ways depending on the source.
Sorry, but it’s wrong. Dortmund is part of the Ruhr area which is not called dortmund. Ruhr area has much more people though. Even Berlin has more than 3.4 mil
The answers for Comoros and Eritrea seem to be incorrect.
per the source those are the largest by the source’s definition.