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World Bordering Countries Minimum Area Challenge – 25 Countries


The object of this game is to click on successive bordering countries to ‘travel’ through up to 25 countries with the objective of accumulating the smallest total land area among all countries traveled through. Borders are land borders only, including causeways but not including only man-made structures. Borders include dependent territory borders, areas also include territories. You must complete 25 countries for your score to save – so for example you can’t get ‘stuck’ somewhere like South Korea with no other countries available to click on unless it happens to be your 25th country clicked.

For example, you can begin by clicking Russia – your next country can be any country bordering Russia, such as Ukraine. After clicking Ukraine you can choose any country bordering Ukraine except a country you have already visited (in this case just Russia). You must continue along your path and can’t click a bordering country from a previously-clicked country unless it borders the country you just clicked.

The more challenging 50-country version of this quiz:
World Bordering Countries Minimum Area Challenge – 50 Countries

Click a country to begin.
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5 months ago

This was easier than Maximum area challenge got the min area in like 15-20 min. For the people who are having trouble you need to start with Estonia, Netherlands or Luxembourg all three works.

9 months ago


1 year ago

2291k West Bank -> Luxembourg – How’s that?

1 year ago

one of my favorite types of quizzes on the site, would love more in this category!

1 year ago
Reply to  mlnbld

an option to let us choose our ‘chain’ length (instead of 25) would also be brilliant

1 year ago
Reply to  darin

just spotted the 50 versions, looking forward to them. You’re a champion!

1 year ago

Great quiz Darin! Super fun to figure out on my own. Took me forever to realize that belarus is slightly smaller than Romania.

1 year ago

3156k in Europe, not that bad.

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